Marton’s Neighbourhood Plan

The original Marton Neighbourhood Plan was ‘made’ by Cheshire East in 2016. It was one of the first Neighbourhood Plans to be made in Cheshire East, and since then there have been a number of changes in the planning framework: Cheshire East officially adopted its Local Plan Part One, and the National Planning Policy Framework was updated in 2019. As Neighbourhood Plans must be in general conformity with local and national policies, it has been considered prudent to review and update the Marton Neighbourhood Plan, to ensure that it remains in conformity and that the policies remain relevant and appropriate to use for determining planning decisions.

The original Neighbourhood Plan has been updated, and a consultation undertaken. Following the consultation, the Updated Plan was submitted to Cheshire East for examination. It has passed examination, and the final documents are available here:

Marton Neighbourhood Plan Updated – Made Plan Version
Marton Neighbourhood Plan Examiners Final Report

Neighbourhood Plan Notice

The examiner has now sent his procedural letter and initial determination in respect of the Marton Neighbourhood Plan: Marton Village NP Procedural Letter and Initial Determination Schedule A2 Examination 040221

Revised documents are available here:

Marton Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version 2020
Marton Parish Landscape & Settlement Character Assessment 2020
Consultation Statement 2020
Basic Conditions Statement 2020
Appendix 8
Marton Plan Update SEA Screening Assessment (Sept 2020)
Schedule of Changes Updated Marton Neighbourhood Plan 2020

The first Marton Neighbourhood Plan was ‘made’ by Cheshire East on 29 November 2016.

The final version of the Plan, including the minor amendments made by Cheshire East, is available on the Cheshire East website or can be downloaded here.

*** earlier updates and documents ***

The referendum on Marton’s Neighbourhood Plan has been completed. The results are: there was a 44% turnout, and 93% voted Yes to the Plan.

The plan passed examination by an independent external examiner appointed by Cheshire East. The examiner’s report is available, as is the decision statement from Cheshire East:

Marton Neighbourhood Final Report
Marton NDP Decision Statement

The examiner recommended some minor clarifications, which Cheshire East will undertake before calling for a referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan.

Please find the latest version of our documents here. Note that this version of these documents is the version that went to the examiner and they have not been updated in the light of the examiners comments.

Marton Neighbourhood Plan
Cover Page Further Appendices
Marton Parish Landscape & Settlement Character Assessment
Housing Needs Survey
Marton Transport Statement
Marton Key Documents
Marton Basic Condition Statement
Marton Consultation Statement
Marton SEA Screening Assessment

Letters inviting comment were issued: (download a copy of the letter here).

Consultation response documents:

Marton Reg 14 Comments Cheshire East
Fisher German Marton Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Response(1)
Fisher German Appendix 1 – Designated Marton Neighbourhood Area Plan
dNP Representation – HSL(1)
HSL Appendix 1 – Peaks Plains Statement(1)
HSL Appendix 2 – Appeal Statement cont.(1)
HSL Appendix 2 – Appeal Statement(1)

Further documentation:

Register of dwellings granted planning approval updated Feb 2019